Keef Shaifha 5: The effectiveness of the complaints and suggestion system in the Palestinian universities
In partnership with the Coalition for Integrity and Accountability – Aman, Social Devlopmetnal Forum implemented Keef Shaifha 5 tour with the participation of a group of young men and women participating in the Integrity School against Corruption in order to promote the principle of community accountability. The tour focused on the effectiveness of the complaints and suggestions system within the Palestinian universities and its work mechanism and possible development areas. The tour included visits to Palestine University, Al-Aqsa University and Al-Azhar University.
The tour started out with Palestine University of, where the participants met with Dr. Nihad Badriya, Dean of Student Affairs, who stressed that the university’s interest in this matter as it has a complaints box on its page. The university also pays close attention to its social media platforms, especially Facebook, where all messages are followed up and answered daily by specialized staff, adding that the university is known for its rapid response to the subject of complaints and issues related to the university compared to other universities in addition to guaranteeing strict confidentiality for students.
The next stop was Al-Aqsa University meeting the Deanship of Student Affairs at the university. Mahmoud Zamil, Dean of Student Affairs stated that “The university does have a compliant box but not it is not activated on the website. It needs to be developed so as to make it easier for the student to submit the complaint. He explained that the student can submit the complaint in writing and attach it to the deanship or the body responsible for it to be reviewed. More than 85% of the complaints filed during the second semester were dealt with, ensuring that the student is fully protected if her/his compliant does not violate the required conditions and criteria.
The third and final stop was with Al-Azhar University and meeting with Dr. Khalid Abu Shab, Dean of Student Affairs at the University. Abu Shab said that the complaint box is not activated on the student’s portal.
However, he stressed that the student has the right and ability to submit a complaint to the dean, deputy or director personally where they would work to resolve as quick as possible. Abu Shab finds this method more efficient than the presence of the portal in solving students’ problems.
The most prominent recommendations to the universities were to activate an electronic portal to receive complaints and to prepare a clear reference for the Department to inform students and provide guarantees for students that the complaints are confidential and no harm will come to any complainant.
Shurooq Abu Zarifa, one of the participants, also stated that the tour gave university students the opportunity to get acquainted with the complaints box in detail through learning about submitting the complaint, who is responsible for the complaint, the criteria and conditions that must be met in submitting complaints and the rights guaranteed to student in the event of any complaints”
Mahmoud Abdul Hadi, a representative of the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity – AMAN, explained that the presence of an environment of accountability in universities indicates a great trust between the student and the university.
Keef Shifha tour 5 is the first of the Forum’s Integrity School initiatives in partnership with Aman Coalition, implemented in April this year, which sought to promote youth perceptions of anti-corruption, integrity and community accountability issues and tools.