Wasla Team participates in the drawing of Sports Bring Us Together Campaign’s Mural

Wasla team participated in the drawing and colouring of an artistic mural named “Sports Bring Us Together” on the wall of Rafah Services Club in the second week of MArch. The Mural shows some sports of PWDs and aims to emphasize the importance of activating the sports role of persons with disabilities in various sports clubs in the Gaza Strip.
The name of the artistic mural was inspired by the name of the campaign “Sports Bring Us Together”, which the artistic mural is one of its activities. Rafah was chosen for the drawing of the mural in Rafah City as its one of the cities with a clear absence of the role of persons with disabilities in exercising their sporting rights in various types of sports, and sports services for persons with disabilities are minimal compared to other cities.
Hala Shamaly, reflecting on her experience in the drawing of the mural, said, “Sports is a right for all, and it needs to be activated for persons with disabilities. A a member of the campaign, I seek to deliver its messages through my participation in the coloring and drawing of the mural.”
She added, “The impact of the mural was sensible for all. Everyone passing by was having questions about the drawing before it was done. Once it was completed and conveyed the desired message, I felt that our hard work was paying off.
All these activities come as part of Sports Bring Us Together campaign that was designed by Wasla 3 members and representatives from the General Union for Persons with Disabilities – Middle Area and AlAmal Association for Rehabilitation, Rafah. The campaign seeks to pressure on decision makers to effectively engage PWDs in sports sector and work towards facilitating their access to sports facilities in the Gaza Strip according to the Palestinian Law and the International Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
It is worth mentioning that this campaign is one of the digital advocacy campaigns launched by Wasla Center and the Social Developmental Forum in partnership with the Medical Aid for Palesitnians within the project “Improving the Local Response to Advocate the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Gaza Strip- Wasla.”