TOT training: How did it affect young people?

7 training days with a wonderful group of young graduates from our previous training programs, in which they moved from being trainees to competent trainers able to transfer knowledge and skills to their peers, read with us some of their impressions of the training.

“I consider ToT training one of the most inspiring training for me. I was very happy when I got accepted. I knew that I will train under the leadership of the best coaches who are really capable of positive change and leadership for the young generations to come. This is a unique leap in my life to move from being a trainee to a trainer who is able to drive, change and take responsibility despite my young age. The training will also expand my knowledge and learning exchange. I’m very proud to be an active part of Social Developmental Forum and a trainee in Yalla Change 3 program that allowed me to be part of the amazing ToT training.”

  • Saja Radwan

“The Forum is always keen on providing youth with great opportunites. I’m lucky to be part of ToT training, which is an experience carried out for the first time by Social Developmental Forum- SDF. The Forum had an important view that it is necessary to invest in the capacities of its trainees to share the knowledge with their young peers and to be the best ambassadors and trainers. This experience will add a lot of experience, information and skills to me.”

  • Khalil Fajhan

A new and unique experience for the first time implemented by SDF for Youth. I’m living it with passion to learn concepts, practical and behavioral skills through enrichment sessions and practical training on the ground. By the end of the first day I became able to differentiate between many concepts and vocabulary that were difficult for me beforehand and learned what are the training goals and requirements of the successful training process and how to facilitate the training process and the educational approach. All of that comes in the framework of developing and translating knowledge and skill to reality”

  • Nour Al-Zaitounia

“I was part of Yalla Change 2. After the program ended, I thought that the Yalla Change experience ended. Suddenly, they announced training for graduates of Yalla Change program. Through this training, they developed youth skills and transferred them from trainees to trainers. I submitted a request to participate and qualified for the interview. The idea of ​​the interview was different from any interview I’ve been in and I had to make a presentation on a specific topic and discuss it and I went through the experience in a beautiful and new way. The training increased my passion and my belief in Yalla Change”

Mohamed Hattab

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