Deep Smile and Amazing Challenge Look
She believes that happiness must be felt by every human being whatever his stats ,health condition, and being disable person doesn’t mean that he/she should stay at home.
She has an opinion that the disability in mind not in body, so she decided to be happy and her happiness complete with her Scientific success.When you hear her voice or look at her eyes you will feel optemistic and everything is possible, there is no impossible in her life, she is Sawsan Al Khalily.
She have flame of hope that never turn off, she gives hope to every person with disability.Her disability was her motivation to successful life, after she got her university degree she devoted to train the young girls from different aspect of life to eliminate disability and hopelessness , and the negative view of society. Not short stature or tall can determine the social position for the person or his ability to be creative. Creativity is linked to the ability to use the mind and skills development, this is accomplished through Sawsan Al Khalily over the years of volunteer works in the field of disabled service her success was dignify the disabled.
Sawsan grew up in the Gaza Strip as part of a modest family, lots of love and care provided to Sawsan by her parents, she is intelligent and tender. Since her first stage at school the suffering from short stature began, but it gave her motivation to achieve excellence and practice at all school activities, After completing high school she joined the Faculty of Law at Al-Azhar University in Gaza.
Sawsan said she has a lot of painful situations in her life were still in her memory, the most difficult situation faced in her life, she said “I remember this situation when I was studying the third level at the university, my teacher injured my feelings in front of students, when he call me out (Al sheber in the end),I cried and suffered but I refused to be weak in front of the persons with disabilities.
Achievements despite the disability:
Since Sawsan was young, she was interested in art. In addition to her talent in drawing on glass and granite, she was talented in poetry. Also, she learned cosmetology, as she was talented in many of the handicrafts such as embroidery. Consequently, she participated in many of the summer camps outside Palestine by General Union of Disabled Palestinian , and she won numerous awards such as The Creator Woman Award, and an award from The High Commissioner of the Human Rights in the Literary and cultural competition of the poetry.
Sawsan has been nominated for an administrative position in the General Union of Disabled in Gaza Strip, then she was elected as The Trustee of the Union, and she is still working as a volunteer at the same position. On the other hand, she was one of the women selected to take training from the Social Development Forum Team Work for disabled, as she got training on Photography and video making, and another training on Media, and she was one of the best trainees that time, which helped her to share her experience with other disabled women.
All the previous experiences assisted Sawsan to deal with social networking to share her experience through media, which confirmed that she improved well, and she could published The Union activities through a page that she designed on Facebook. Sawsan now publish all the Union activities on its page on Facebook, which helped other disabled women to learn from it and improve their skills.
Her wishes
” I wish I can help and support disabled people through the union page to show other people how they suffer from disability, and to get their rights” Sawsan says.