
Job Vacancy: Project Coordinator

شاغر وظيفي: مُنسق/ة مشروع

Position: Project Coordinator

Location: Gaza City

Duration: 17 months, (Full-time)

Report to: Projects Manager

?Are you a young woman/ young man who is full of energy

?Do you believe in the role of youth to make a change

?Do you love working in a friendly and flexible environment

?Do you have creative ideas to be discussed? Are you passionate to learn

?Can you work with different people, including youth, people with disabilities, and partners

?Can you work under pressure and meet a tight deadline

.If your answers to the above questions are yes, then we would like to meet you

?Who we are

Social Developmental Forum is a Non-governmental Organization (NGO) operating in Palestine, established in 2006 as an initiative of a group of young activities. SDF seeks to build a professional model that can better invest in the available resources and capacities to offer community services, based on human rights, the law, and civil values. SDF has three main programs: Civil and Political Empowerment Program, Economic Empowerment  Program, and Digital Transformation

:Roles and Responsibilities

– Ensure timely, efficient, and effective preparation and implementation of work plans

Monitor the progress of the project to ensure the successful completion and achievement of results

Lead the project team to ensure effective, efficient, and timely implementation of the project and support an  environment of learning for staff within the project

Develop Terms of References for project services/experts and ensure the proper delivery of technical services Supervise the visibility, publication, and media products in coordination with the media unit, according to the policies of SDF and the partner

Prepare written reports as required by the SDF and donor reporting systems

Build good relationships with community members, beneficiaries, and partners to ensure the quality of  interventions

Ensure the proper documentation of the project activities and develop the necessary forms and records to  ensure the smooth and timely sharing of information

Follow up on expenditures to ensure the effective and appropriate utilization of funds in cooperation with the  finance team

.Contribute to conducting periodic reviews of the quality of the project’s monitoring and evaluation systems

:Qualifications and Experience

.A bachelor’s degree in business administration, development studies, Media, Management, or related fields

.At least 5 years of relevant work in NGOs including at least 3 years as a project coordinator

.Effective communication skills

Excellent analytical, administrative, organizational, and planning skills with the ability to prioritize work and meet  deadlines

Strong understanding of concepts and issues related to increasing citizen participation in civic life and youth  issues in Palestine

Excellent networking skills with local organizations and community representatives with the ability to  communicate with diverse community groups

.Good skills in reporting and demonstration of experience in practicing conceptual tools (e.g., logical framework)

.Excellent spoken and written English and Arabic

.Computer skills (MS Office, virtual apps, Social Media Networks, and e-mail)

:To Apply

If you are interested in this job and qualified enough, please take the following requirements into  your consideration

Send an updated CV that shows your personal information, professional experience and skills, and three references. Any other related information is welcome as well

Please record a Bio video (2 minutes maximum). You should present your experiences and the strengths that qualify you for this job. The video should be sent as a link to Drive. Kindly note that any video exceeding 2 minutes will be disqualified

Please send the above-listed requirements to jobs@sdf-pal.org no later than 15 May 2023 at 16:00 (Local time). Please include “Project Coordinator” in the subject line of your email

!Good luck


المنتدى الاجتماعي التنموي

مؤسسةٌ أهليةٌ تعملُ في فلسطين، أُسِّسَت عام 2006م، بمبادرة من مجموعة من النشطاء الشباب؛ من أجل بناء نموذجٍ أهلي مهني ،قادر على تقديم الخدمات المجتمعية باستثمارٍ أفضل للموارد والإمكانيات المتاحة، وتحقيق رؤية تنموية، وفق منهجٍ شمولي قائم على احترام حقوق الإنسان، والقانون، والقيم المدنية.

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