Training about  Management of Lobbying and Advocacy campaigns for the rights of PWDs

March 2015, Gaza

Social Development Forum has conducted training course for seven days about “Management of lobbying and advocacy campaigns for the rights of persons with disabilities” with the participation of 25 representatives of local CSOs, activists, advocators for the issues and rights of persons with disabilities in the Gaza Strip, and SDF program staff.

The training is one of the capacity building activities within the Project Improve Local Response for the right to work and the right of access for people with disabilities in Gaza Strip funded by Human Rights and IHL Secretariat, by 24 training-hour to enhance the skills of participants in the aspects related to advocating for the rights of persons with disabilities, activating labor law, and supporting their rights to access.

The training included the following topics advocacy, networking, citizenship, preparing advocacy plan, strategies used in establishing alliances and networks, and obstacles of labor in the Palestinian context.

The training came out with suggested advocacy plan for right to work and access of persons with disabilities in Palestine in line with Law No. (4) of the 1999 and International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD).

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