What did participants say about TOT training interviews?
“There are few opportunities and we are very frustrated as youth and university students. However, there’s hope with every step taken. Opportunities are always greater and wider when it’s related to SDF. The opportunity to be part of the ToT training of trainers would open doors to learn and work.”
- Basma AlKurd, Yalla Change 3
“I’m a young and active perosn on social Media. I trained a lot in my field and I needed a chance to start. I saw the Social developmental Forum’s announcement on ToT training. I was the happiest as I waited for such a chance for so long. I got ready and applied because this training is what I need.”
- Mohammed AbuHassira, Yalla Change 1
“Getting ready for the ToT training selection was extra because I found myself reading and collecting information for the interview for two days in a row. Convincing the interview panel was my utmost goal and when it was the interview time, I was extremely excited to present what I have prepared and to finally get selected! It was definitely a turning point for me!”
- Hadeel Hamouda, Yalla Change 2
“This was an extraordinary experience to be a monitor in the interview panel because I’m usually one of the youths who get interviewed. However, this time I was a part of the panel and I could get a sneak peek to the youth weakness and strength points. This time, I was aware of what was being taken into account by the Committee, which focused not only on the cognitive aspect of young people but also on the personal aspect of young people, both of which were equally important.”
- Aseel Fatiha, SDF youth committee
“The ToT interview was so different from all the interviews I have ever been to. It was a real simulation of training. I gave a training about community-based initiatives in front of the interview panel and I was fully confident and could answer the panel’s questions and discuss my viewpoint. I have always dreamt to be a trainer and I hope this would be the beginning!”
- Abd Awad, Yalla Change 3
“SDF always gives us the opportunity to experience new thing. The ToT in particular was an amazing experience, where I started as a participant and then have the chance to be a trainer to share the knowledge gained from the SDF programs to my peers. I have never imagined a more satisfying experience!”
- Haya Al-Jarwosha, Yalla Change 3