Focus training about the rights of persons with disabilities in accordance with the Palestinian law and international conventions

March 2015, Gaza

Social Development Forum-SDF has performed training course about ” The rights of persons with disabilities in accordance with international and local law” with the participation of 30 representatives of local CSOs and DPOs, in addition to a group of activists and media professionals who advocate for the issues and rights of persons with disabilities.

The training has carried out by 18 training-hour for three days in Laterna Restaurant in the middle of Gaza City.

The training is one of the capacity building activities within the Project Improve Local Response for the right to work and the right of access for people with disabilities in Gaza Strip funded by Human Rights and IHL Secretariat.

The training program is considered as a part of capacity building of the staff and representatives of local partners to empower the team efficiently and professionally, deepen perception of the national and international laws in the field of persons with disabilities rights, its mechanisms, and its relation to international human rights system, as well to know about the mechanisms of the laws and conventions implementation for the protection of persons with disabilities in general, and in particular the right to work, and access, in addition to the ways and tools of using the rights in supporting the persons with disabilities issues.

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