We embarked on “Keef Shaifha” tour, which is implemented by Wasla program of the Social Development Forum, as one of the youths who had taken training with the center, during the tour, we held a hearing with officials of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society, to ask and discuss the effectiveness of the services provided by […]
From a Participant in the youth program”Wasla” to the facilitaor of dialogue in “keef Shaifh” tour Amira Al-Natour tells her story
Amira Al-Natour, a 20-year-old youth activist, studies English language education at Al-Azhar University and works with a number of volunteer teams to advocate for societal issues through social media platforms and other digital tools. Amira is one of those accepted into Wasla program in its second year, and since the first training day, Amira was […]
Keef Shaifha: New stations under the title “Social and health services provided during the Corona pandemic for people with disabilities”
As part of the activities of the second season of Wasla project, which is implemented by the Social Development Forum in partnership with the Medical Aid Society for Palestinians, 25 young male and female from Wasla program set out on a tour “How do you see it?” to learn about the most prominent social services […]
From Radio to Wasla: How did Ahmed Najjar’s experience differ?
Life doesn’t always do you justice, sometimes it puts you in the face of obstacles and challenges to know how determined and patient you are. Ahmed Al-Najjar, a student of media and mass communication at Al-Azhar University, although he suffers from difficulty in pronouncing “stuttering”, but his passion for media pushed him to take many […]
50 young men and women participate in “Wasla 2” training
50 young men and women with disabilities and without disabilities took part in WASLA 2 training within the project of improving the local response to the rights of persons with disabilities, implemented by SDF in partnership with Medical Aid for Palestinians MAP. The implemented training lasted for 7 days in row and came as the […]
Wasla: What did Yalla Challenge add to Warda?
Stories- Wasla Warda AlShanti- 27 years old An ambitious young woman whose visual impairment did not prevent her from practicing her radio broadcasting hobby. She believed in her abilities and talents, and after completing her university studies in the field of media, she strived for an active role in the community. She did not give […]
How did the Digital Advocacy training impacted Nihal’s personal and professional paths?
I never realized the importance of advocacy as an effective tool in the implemented campaigns and projects. With this quotation Nihal expressed her impression on the digital advocacy training conducted by the Social Developmental Forum targeting partner institutions. This comes within the work of “Improving Local Response for the Advocacy of the Rights of People […]
Digital Advocacy Training for the Rights of People with Disabilities: A step to strengthen the role of NGOs
WASLA center implemented a training program on “Digital Advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities” with the participation of 20 NGOs workers and youth working in disability. The training comes within the framework of upgrading local organizations to support more implementation of digital advocacy campaigns for people with disabilities. The eight-day training program, launched […]
Digital Advocacy Manual: one way towards successful advocacy campaigns
The Social Developmental Forum (SDF) delivered six training workshops about the digital advocacy manual. This manual was launched within WASLA 2 project, which offers specialized services focused on digital advocacy and seeks to develop the digital performance of local NGOs. This is done through a series of counselling and guiding sessions that are expected to […]
WASLa in its second year
For the second year in a row, WASLA project “improving local response to support the rights of persons with disabilities” is being launched in connection with a number of activities that will reflect the project’s vision. The project seeks to promote the rights of young people, improve the reality of persons with disabilities and enable […]