Aiming to expand the network’s readiness and preparation for upcoming field activities, young leaders at the “Together For Hope” network conducted a series of “Peer Learning” workshops, during which they shared knowledge and skills they acquired in recent months with a group of their peers. Active network members, the project, and the T4H network’s coordinators […]
Displacement Cannot Extinguish Hope; Raghad Al-Ghossein
Despite the endless suffering in Gaza, we are determined to maintain hope, steadfastness, and resilience. We deeply believe that a shining light is at the end of the long, dark, tunnel. As a 21-year-old student pursuing my education in media studies, I strive to achieve my goals with great dedication. However, in a short time, […]
The First of Its Kind: 20 Youth Participate in a TOT Training on Preparedness and Protection During Wars
Twenty young members of the Social Developmental Forum’s Youth Network have joined a “Training of Trainers” (TOT) on preparedness and protection during conflicts, awareness of explosive ordnance risks, and psychological first aid (PFA). The 36-hour training is the first of its kind in Gaza, targeting youth who have a background in mental health, social services, […]
“Together Towards Hope (T4H)”: A determined youth network in Gaza
Within the project of “Youth Networks Collaborating Toward Enhanced Education and Well-being of Children and Adolescents” implemented in partnership with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), and in collaboration with the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP), the Social Developmental Forum (SDF) has launched the “Together Towards Hope (T4H)” network, consisting of 20 young leaders (18 to […]
Aya Ashour: It wasn’t easy! But I decided not to give up!
It is not easy to maintain hope amidst such catastrophic conditions. Isn’t it? At least, I try. As young leaders, we are mobilizing ourselves to move ahead Together for Hope. I am Aya Ashour, a 23-year-old displaced from the northern Gaza Strip to the south. For instance, to Khan Younis. I am writing this piece […]