Fedaa” challenges her disability by writings
At her 12 age, she forced by debilitate disease to seat at wheel chair, she stooped her school to get busy with her osteoporosis that comes after she starts to get her dermatosis’s medication.
Fedaa Al-Refi stays at her room in order to face her disability by paper and pen. She literary starts writings with a worm encouragement from her family especially her mother.
Despite the psychological and moral support from the family, Fedaa’s writings still hidden until several months ago, when she heard about training course for disable people in writing skills at the Social Developmental Forum, thus her mother increasingly encourage her for registration.
“It attracts me that the project specialized for disable people as I have a talent of writing and my dream to develop it as much as I can,” Fedaa said, thanking the team and her classmate. The course benefits Fedaa of improving her writing skills to move from one lever to the higher using new methods she got from it. The developing includes preparing her to write stories next to her poetical lines.
She states that the course applies her to reach their voices along with the disable people they attended, which makes them to keep running in order to improve their writing skills.
Fedaa was one of the people who attend a course of “Effective Writers” that funded by the South Med program of EU under the observation of at the Social Developmental Forum.
After the course that helped her to improve her writing skills, Fedaa writes a group of poems in “Effective Writers” book. She also publishes some writings at the electronic platform for the book, which gave her the power to go on.
Fedaa after all planes to collect her writings to publish her own book, and of course intending to keep looking for such these courses for disable people.