Twenty young members of the Social Developmental Forum’s Youth Network have joined a “Training of Trainers” (TOT) on preparedness and protection during conflicts, awareness of explosive ordnance risks, and psychological first aid (PFA). The 36-hour training is the first of its kind in Gaza, targeting youth who have a background in mental health, social services, […]
Youth-Established Accessible Bathrooms For People with Disabilities in Displacement Camps
Aiming to integrate people with disabilities and facilitate access to services amid the ongoing war, the Social Developmental Forum’s Youth Network launched the “Fundamental Accessible Services” initiative. This initiative reflects SDF’s commitment to inclusive relief interventions for all community members. Three accessible public restroom facilities were installed at a displacement camp in Al-Zawaida, Middle Area […]
“An institutional Building Compass: launching two Safe Learning Spaces in the Middle Area”
The Social Developmental Forum (SDF) launched two safe learning spaces in the middle area of the Gaza Strip within the project of Youth Networks Collaborating Towards Enhanced Educational and Well-being Opportunities for Children and Adolescents, supported by UNICEF and implemented in partnership with the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP). The first SLS was launched in “Together […]
SDF Launches an Emergency Response Program to the Humanitarian Crisis in the Gaza Strip
Since the beginning of the Israeli genocide on the Gaza Strip on October 2023, the Social Development Forum (SDF) has been utilizing human, material, and intangible resources to enhance the Gazan community’s emergency resilience amidst the military operations. This includes intensifying advocacy efforts, raising awareness about safety and survival procedures, and safe evacuation during emergencies, […]
Palestinian Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) call for the protection of the Palestinian people
The ongoing Israeli occupation of non-proportional attacks against protected civilians in the Gaza Strip constitutes a war crime. The Israeli occupation, as the occupying power, has a legal responsibility to ensure the protection of the lives and well-being of the protected Palestinian civilians in times of war. The attacks by the Israeli occupation forces have […]